Minggu, 20 Desember 2020

Without Permission, The 1812 Demonstrators Were Dispersed By The Police, 155 Were Detained Following The Tattoos In Jakarta

JAKARTA (Indonesia), OMIKAMI-TV - The demo action called the 1812 action in the Horse Statue area, Jalan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta-Pusat, led to the dissolution of the police force, because in the action allegedly did not pocket official permission from the police to conduct a protest (Demonstration), (12/18/2020). 

The action of 1812 which had previously been banned by the Police to avoid crowds and it is certainly difficult to implement health protocols, especially keeping distance or physical distancing.

In the media crew's observations in the field, it appears that the Police department issued a warning and urged the masses to retreat, where later the police dispersed the demonstration without permission. Police also secured 155 protesters and seized a protester command vehicle that was allegedly used to provoke.after being towed to the monas area, the command car was rushed by police to Mapolda Metro Jaya.

"There's one car they used to name the commando car that we secured, because this is a provocation,.. Every time there's a demo, there's a car that's not intended... they use it as material to express opinions.. That's what we brought to the Jaya Metro Police, including others, we're still waiting for the results of the investigation in the field.. now still keep logging, what are the results.. what activities have just been done," said Kombes Yusri Yunus, Head of Public Relations of the Metro Police jaya in location,(12/18/2020).

Regarding the tattooed man who was successfully secured by the Police, Police Commissioner Yusri Yunus, Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police Confirmed that the man is a supporter of MRS, the FPI leader who is a suspect in the crowd case and entangled in the sedition article. Police Commander Yusri Yunus told reporters that, "Yes (supporters of Habib Rizieq Shihab) are secured in Monas," he said.

Police Commissioner Yusri Yunus has not yet revealed the identity of the tattooed man. Yusri simply said that "Before the man was arrested.. the police saw the movements of this young man, showing suspicious movements," he said.

When secured the man was wearing a white koko shirt. After his shirt was opened during the examination, there were a number of tattoos all over his body. Yusri Yunus then said, "He wears koko clothes, peci, but when he opens his body tattoos all," Said Head of Public Relations Polda Metro Jaya.

Meanwhile, a tattooed man, who is secured by police officers, is still serving a prison term at The Jakarta Metropolitan Police's Drug Squad. The man was secured in the Area of National Monument (Monas) when the police dispersed the action 1812.After the Covid-19 test on mrs supporters, the test results of the tattooed man was reactive Corona virus.

To complete the examination, in addition to the rapid test, Yusri Yunus also explained that the tattooed man's urine was also tested. "Here's another check he's got urine.. because he's making a fool of it," he said.

As reported in action 1812, Friday, December 18, 2020, police secured 155 people at various locations. They all underwent rapid tests, and there were 22 people who were reactive to Covid-19.Yusri explained that the 22 people were referred to Wisma Atlet in Central Jakarta to undergo further tests, namely swab tests. Kombes Yusri Yunus ensured that after the action of 1812 Jakarta was conducive. 


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